by Matthew Suchan | Marketing & Branding, Social Media
Say hello to Instagram’s new logo designer… How the new Instagram icon was made. — Oliur (@UltraLinx) May 11, 2016 Ok, so maybe that isn’t necessarily how it happened… but maybe. For years now we’ve lived with...
by Matthew Suchan | Marketing & Branding, Social Media
Let me begin by saying this is literally a quick rant about the publishing changes Instagram has set in place and how people/businesses will be effected by it. All photo streams are going from being a chronologic list to now an algorithmic based system… YOU...
by Matthew Suchan | Uncategorized
When you think of a “home away from home” what place do you think of? A cottage in the woods, a dear friend’s house, a beach house, a coffee shop? Very few people will probably agree that a coffee shop is their “home away from home,” yet so many of us spend countless...
by Matthew Suchan | Uncategorized
Today is very weird, simply put. “Back to school” is usually synonymous with such phrases as, “back to 15 weeks of death” or, “Whelp, this sucks” or a personal favorite of mine, “welcome to Hell.” But this year is drastically different as I sit here being a 26 year...
by Matthew Suchan | Social Media
In the past few months I’ve heard a lot about Instagram and Snapchat from either conversations I’ve had or just overhearing people at Starbucks. The funny thing is, all of these occasions happened with people under the age of 15. When talking about social...