Everyone hates Mondays, and looks forward to Friday, and even Wednesday is recognized as “hump day,” because it lands in the middle of the week. What about Tuesday, though? It’s just another day of the week. It’s not recognized for being loved or hated, it just… is. But this can be connected to a bigger issue. What we recognize, whether positive or negative, often causes us to leave (seemingly) less important things behind. How does this transfer over into the workplace?
Businesses often forget about the little details of the company because they are focused on the bigger picture. But what about those “Tuesday” ideas that we need to connect one day to another. It’s not enough to just stick with the status quo and put in our 40hrs a week and think we’re “helping grow the business.” Think outside of the box and become (be a part of) a future facing company.
A “future facing company” does a few things differently, among others:
1. Creates a better atmosphere. Simple things like bad lighting, awkward noises, and eye-sores can really hurt the office morale. These can be quick, and cheap, fixes that will really make an impact.
2. Involves others. Make it a point to have people interact with each other. Not just the person in the next cubical, but cross-department interactions. This can be as simple as sending someone an email wishing them a good day or forwarding an uplifting quote they heard from a friend.
3. Gives employees something to look forward to. Having dessert the last Friday of each month, or an “ideas meeting” on the 3rd Thursday can give employees short term things to look forward to. This healthy anticipation can relieve stress around the office.
Do you have other ways of breaking from the norm around the office? Leave us a comment below!